Info: My Name

The name's devitryi: pronounced (dev-ee-tree)

Anyway, the origin behind the name, I dunno. I just needed an online alias and something that was unique. And I kind of used "dev" from developer as a basis and started to add on some letters. I am not clever.

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When I was younger, I couldn't decide what I wanted to be in life. One week it was a puppeteer, the next an actor, then a level designer at Valve. So many different things that would've clashed together and would make me look like a gender-confused Barbie knockoff. If not for my discovery for my love of solo game development. Here, a large chunk of my prior intrests are required for making games and I already loved video games (who doesn't?). Starting with the Mario and Sonic flash games of yester-year to my first console, the GameCube.